29 December 2010

New Year's Resolutions Are For Suckers!

Do you make New Year's resolutions? And do you change the name to make it appear less cheesy like New Year's goals, challenges, aspirations or any other word you could pull out the air? I secretly make New Year's resolutions. I don't really tell anyone because everyone around me thinks making resolutions are for losers. I guess I'm a secret loser because I like to make them. I even write them down. By January 15th, the paper my "goals" were written on are in a trash bin somewhere and I've forgotten about it. But for those 2 weeks up to the chucking in the trash bin, I try to stick with them.

I sadly make the SAME goals/aspirations/resolutions/lies every year. The typical lies on my list are:

1. Quit biting my nails. Yes I am a chronic nail biter. No dinner today? How about my nails? Stressful paper to write? Bite my nails. Just been dumped? Bite my nails. Wake up and breathe? Bite my nails. I think this is something psychological and I need to probably talk to a shrink. Hey! Maybe that will be on my resolution list! To get a shrink.

2. Eat healthier. Now this is a goal that I do in spells. If I know I have something important to do and need to fit into a cute dress or something, then I will actually put down the hamburger and eat a salad. But just for a day. I'd really like to make this a lifestyle change but sadly....I like chicken and burgers too much.

3. Lose 10 pounds/exercise. Okay, this goal is something that I do. I use to exercise regularly but since moving to London, the only exercise I get is walking to the tube stations, the bus stop, McDonalds and to the little store up the street from my place for a bottle of wine. Which brings me to my next lie...I mean goal.

4. Stop drinking. This is a lie from the devil. That is all.

5. Travel.  This is something that is attainable in 2011. I will definitely take advantage of the inexpensive airfare and close proximity of other countries. So I can actually see this happening.

6. Pay credit cards off. Well this coincides with my next goal because if it happens, then I'll just get him to pay them off.

7. Find a rich boyfriend/husband/stalkee/lover/activities partner.  It's very possible. I'm in a new city of cute guys from all of the world. I can see this happening.

8. Get rid of bad rubbish. I absolutely do this every year. I cut ties with someone every year. It's usually an ex that is trying to come back into my life. Meh...this is very easy to do and very therapeutic.

9. Make alot of money. I hear there are brothels in London. We'll see.

10. Be happy. I work hard on this everyday. This is a life goal and not just a new year's goal.

So you see my friends, resolutions and goals are good to make. My goal for 2010 was to move to London and I reached that goal. That was my one and only goal made for this year. So hopefully, with the blessing of the universe, I can reach the goals I've set up for 2011.

I hope everyone who reads this have a wonderful and safe new year! Don't drink and drive kiddies!


laforge5 said...

I never make a list cause it will change depending on the season. I can't make resolutions for the whole year. I have to make them quarterly to fit my needs, doing it yearly seems either unattainable or to easy to attain. Because it is usually a check box under yes or no. I think the detail of any accomplishment is pertinent to understanding the reason for the resolution in the first place and details extend personal value even further once you finally reach your goals.......

On another note I hope after you reach these goals you let us know! Who knows you might inspire me and other to do some as well! Yeap it is like that!

LRGirl said...

Thanks for commenting! LOL! Yeah, I think quarterly goals or even monthly goals are good. Seems easier to reach! Thanks for reading!