30 January 2011

I've Gotten Another Tramp Stamp!! Go Me!!

My new tattoo

Cheryl Cole's new tattoo

Sooooo.....Cheryl Cole (who I am secretly obsessed with because she is the ex wife of my future ex-husband Ashley Cole) was railroaded in the press about her new "tramp stamp."  LOL@England and their names for tattoos, eh? Hers looks incomplete so I think it MIGHT look pretty after some finishing touches although this is her 100th tattoo or something like that. Anyways, who cares about her.

I have been tramp stamped as well!  My mother reads this blog (hi mom!) and I thought it would be more than fitting and appropriate for her to find out about my new tramp stamp from reading this blog directly (I anticipate an email soon).  Why you ask? Well because I know she will probably hate it so I kind of didn't want to hear it and secondly, well I just didn't feel like announcing it ALTHOUGH I did show it off on Facebook, which one of my brothers saw and I did send a picture to my sister.

My sister thinks someone slipped me something in my drink for me to get another tattoo on the back of my neck of all places and I'm sure my mother will think the same. I won't even BEGIN to think of telling my father. I probably will keep it covered until I'm about 60 before I tell him.

This makes my 3rd tattoo. I first wanted something permanent to remind me of my time in London and secondly, I have always wanted a neck tattoo but I made sure it wasn't something trashy or ghetto. Plus I can cover it with my hair, a shirt with a collar or if it's too much for an event ( you know like my wedding or a job interview) MAC has a camouflage makeup that I am going to purchase that will cover it up easily.

I shared it on my Facebook and of course I had some say it will look gross after I turn a certain age, my body is not meant to be drawn on, someone gave me a quote from Leviticus in the bible about defacing my body and oh my brother was like..."how are you going to work for CNN with that on your neck?"  Of course being the Taurus that I am, I didn't give a shit what anyone said. I like it and that's all that matters. AND if that's not enough, I'm going to get one more! I don't know where I want it but I'm going to get another one before I leave so when I turn 65, I can be a bitter, mean old lady with a bunch of cats with a Jack Daniels in my hand cussing out the neighborhood kids with a bunch of sagging and wrinkly tattoos on me.....

Do you like tattoos? Do you think they are "tramp stamps?" Do you think they are unclassy on women? Let me hear your thoughts! Ciao!

Oh and shoutout to Steve at Skunx Tattoo in Chapel Market that hooked my tattoo up! Good looking out Steve!

20 January 2011

Where Are All The British People??

Coming to London has been quite the experience. Some good, some bad and some meh.....One thing that I find quite interesting is that I rarely meet British people. Where are they?? Have they fled this beautiful island for a more "pure" existence? Have they grown tired and weary of the way of life here?

I am quite disappointed that I don't meet British people and that I rarely hear any British accents. I know the UK is really struggling coming to terms with the huge influx of immigrants coming into their country (As an American, I'm included in this).  But I can't claim benefits and I'm restricted in the number of hours I'm allowed to work in this country and pouring U.S. dollars into their university system is okay with them. So I think the British MIGHT be ok with me and that is a very big MIGHT. They have more of a problem with me being American than being black from what I can tell so far.

There are articles written almost daily in some of the papers about immigration and the problems that are associated with it. I'm not here to say yay for immigration or nay. I'm simply stating that if someone comes to London thinking they will get a "true" British experience, well they will be sadly disappointed. Yes, there are areas around here where the quintessential British experience is alive and well. It's usually on the outskirts of London where you can see the beautiful villages, parks, true pubs and have long conversations with natives of this beautiful land. I'm not saying you can't get that in London but between all of the restaurants from other nations (McDonalds anyone?) and walking up and down the sidewalks hearing every language but English, well it's a little disappointing.

The British are not happy with multiculturalism at all. They feel that Britain should remain "British."  I don't find necessarily that they have a problem with blacks, although I feel there is racism towards the Caribbean blacks and the Africans in some instances. But I find their racism and xenophobic behavior is geared towards people who practice Islam and people who are from the Middle Eastern countries as well as Asia. Oh and I forgot, they don't like the Eastern Europeans either. All you have to do is thumb through any paper, look at a news program or go online and you will see stories about multiculturalism and it's negative effects on British society. Crime has increased because of multiculturalism they say. They say the job market is terrible because all the migrants are taking all of the jobs. The benefit system is being strained because of the number of migrants that are taking advantage of it. The British are not very subtle about their discomfort in multiculturalism. It's to the point now that they are putting caps on the number of legal migrants they are letting into the country. They also are putting stricter immigration policies in place. And with this new government, I think they are really depending on the prime minister to do an overhaul of the current immigration policies. From what I read, most people want Britain to pull out of the European Union so they can have more control over their borders. Also, when you get time, look up information on the BNP or the British National Party which I can say is the equivalent to the KKK except they seem a little bit more intelligent than KKK members, which isn't saying much. But they believe that the land should be given back to the indigenous people of this land. Meaning everyone that isn't British should go back to their native countries. Hmmmmm.....

The United States is having its own tug of war with immigration with the influx of hispanics coming in and of course the majority are upset with President Obama because they don't think he's doing enough. Now, we don't really get too upset about the job situation because more often than not, immigrants are doing jobs that most Americans won't do. But when a crime happens or terrorism or something that endangers the safety and security of America, then of course, we get concerned. But  putting pressure on our government resources? I rarely hear people say that concerning immigrants. In fact, most Americans think it's blacks that are putting the strain on our benefits system.

Having said all of this to say as I veered off a little is that London is still British when you look at the buildings and all of the beautiful history around this city but the society itself is not really British anymore and that kind of makes me sad.


11 January 2011

I'm Not In Love With London......

I am back in London after being at home for 2 weeks. I was so excited to get back to London and start my final term in school and get started on this dissertation! Yikes!! But when I came back to London, something troubled me.......I'm not in love with this city like I thought I would be.

I was more in love with London before I came here to study. I think I was rather naive in my feelings about this city. I was in love with the London that I read about in my literature classes as an undergrad. I was in love with the London of old. When I visited London in May for the first time, I fell more in love with this city. But when I came in September to actually LIVE and not TOUR, the rose tinted glasses were snatched off my eyes and my naivety slapped me in the face on BOTH cheeks! It was an eye opener. Don't get me wrong....I feel very privileged to be here. Not many people have this opportunity to come to a city as beautiful and historic as London to live for a year and half. I feel very blessed. Plus I've met some of the most interesting, dynamic group of people from all over the world. It's been a pure blessing in that aspect. But I wasn't prepared for the sun setting at 3:30 in the afternoon, no sunshine for weeks, people walk around with not a smile on their faces, people are rushing as if their lives depended on it, things take MUCH longer to get accomplished here. Something as simple as opening a bank account was a pain. Oh and finding a job hasn't been easy for me either. This place is so expensive that it's scary. There is NO middle class here. You either have it or you don't. Space here is also limited. I literally lived in a mansion compared to some of the space I've seen here and the prices are outrageous just to live in a nice place. I lucked out in finding a nice place to stay with inexpensive rent in a nice area but some people aren't so fortunate. Plus I'm used to living alone but because living alone is so expensive here, people do house share which is what I'm doing. It's pretty decent. My housemates are great. My landlords are great and the house is lovely. But even people who make a lot of money struggle here and it shouldn't be that way.

I don't want to sound jaded already but my term ends in April then I have the whole summer to work on my dissertation and I'm debating if I'm going to stay here in London or move on to bigger and better things. I'm still debating moving back to the States after I'm done. We'll see I guess.

But to prove that I don't hate London as it might appear, I went sightseeing with my friend Monica on Sunday because it was a rare sunny and beautiful day and I walked around and took pictures and it made me realize why I was here in the first place. Despite all of the negatives I listed, London is historic, beautiful, amazing and wonderful! Check out my pics below and tell me why would anyone not fall in love with this city?


05 January 2011

Heading Back To Londontown!

My time at home has come to an end and I must head back to London. I've had the time of my life at home. It was soooo good to be here with my family and friends. But I have to admit, I miss London. As homesick as I was, I'm anxious to get back and get started with school (Dissertation!!) and maybe finding a job....or maybe not! LOL! Oh and traveling. This term I'm going to travel. It's too inexpensive for me not to!

I saw some of my old friends, made up with a friend, partied on New Years, drank, ate way too much and exercised too little, kissed my 3 year old nephew until he ran from me, drank again, had long talks with my mom, drove around in my car on the RIGHT side of the street. I wasn't stalked by pigeons and strange African men. I saw sunshine, felt warm weather, saw CLEAR, blue skies! Watched the Arkansas Razorbacks lose to Ohio State in the Sugar Bowl (sadness), heard southern accents, felt southern hospitality, and saw warm smiles. I didn't see the ex boyfriend (YAY), I didn't do "adult" things while at home (don't know if that's good or bad), got some cool Christmas gifts and heard gunshots at midnight on New Years which is customary around here. Watched American soaps (which in my opinion are waaaay better than English soaps and far more entertaining), watched American sports and trashy American reality shows (I'll have to catch Basketball Wives online). Seeing my state on international news about the birds falling from our skies, the fish washing ashore and the tornadoes that killed several people has been a downer but all in all, it's been really good to be here. But I am ready to get back to London. It's still so much for me to see and do while I'm there and I'm ready to experience it all!

See ya across the Atlantic!!