30 January 2011

I've Gotten Another Tramp Stamp!! Go Me!!

My new tattoo

Cheryl Cole's new tattoo

Sooooo.....Cheryl Cole (who I am secretly obsessed with because she is the ex wife of my future ex-husband Ashley Cole) was railroaded in the press about her new "tramp stamp."  LOL@England and their names for tattoos, eh? Hers looks incomplete so I think it MIGHT look pretty after some finishing touches although this is her 100th tattoo or something like that. Anyways, who cares about her.

I have been tramp stamped as well!  My mother reads this blog (hi mom!) and I thought it would be more than fitting and appropriate for her to find out about my new tramp stamp from reading this blog directly (I anticipate an email soon).  Why you ask? Well because I know she will probably hate it so I kind of didn't want to hear it and secondly, well I just didn't feel like announcing it ALTHOUGH I did show it off on Facebook, which one of my brothers saw and I did send a picture to my sister.

My sister thinks someone slipped me something in my drink for me to get another tattoo on the back of my neck of all places and I'm sure my mother will think the same. I won't even BEGIN to think of telling my father. I probably will keep it covered until I'm about 60 before I tell him.

This makes my 3rd tattoo. I first wanted something permanent to remind me of my time in London and secondly, I have always wanted a neck tattoo but I made sure it wasn't something trashy or ghetto. Plus I can cover it with my hair, a shirt with a collar or if it's too much for an event ( you know like my wedding or a job interview) MAC has a camouflage makeup that I am going to purchase that will cover it up easily.

I shared it on my Facebook and of course I had some say it will look gross after I turn a certain age, my body is not meant to be drawn on, someone gave me a quote from Leviticus in the bible about defacing my body and oh my brother was like..."how are you going to work for CNN with that on your neck?"  Of course being the Taurus that I am, I didn't give a shit what anyone said. I like it and that's all that matters. AND if that's not enough, I'm going to get one more! I don't know where I want it but I'm going to get another one before I leave so when I turn 65, I can be a bitter, mean old lady with a bunch of cats with a Jack Daniels in my hand cussing out the neighborhood kids with a bunch of sagging and wrinkly tattoos on me.....

Do you like tattoos? Do you think they are "tramp stamps?" Do you think they are unclassy on women? Let me hear your thoughts! Ciao!

Oh and shoutout to Steve at Skunx Tattoo in Chapel Market that hooked my tattoo up! Good looking out Steve!


Melissa said...

A tramp stamp is specifically a lower back tattoo, it does not apply to tattoos anywhere else on the body.

I personally love them (minus the tramp stamp), I have one on the base of my neck/upper back - http://melissa-lifeacrossthepond.blogspot.com/2009/02/moment-of-zen.html

I didn't tell my parents when I got it done and my mom wasn't happy when she first saw it. I plan to get more but it isn't high on my priority list at the moment, maybe summer. Also I've yet to find an artist.

I think it's funny that someone used a bible verse against tattoos. It's a matter of opinion really.

Swirl Around the World said...

This is how your mother will find out? Bolder than me. But, hey, it's your life to live as you see fit.

On an unrelated note, would you be interested in doing an interview for my blog about international interracial dating/romance. If so, go to my profile and shoot me an email. If not, see you around the site!

Veronica said...

I don't have any tattoo's but screw what FB people said!! How does the tattoo remind you of london/?????? & it looks great! FYI